The New Parcel Delivery Ecosystem.

Changing the way parcels are delivered with an eco-friendly solution

Changing the way parcels are delivered with an eco-friendly solution in urban and densely populated areas of Europe with a highly convenient, accessible and environmentally friendly solution.

Our open network of shared parcel lockers meets the increased customer convenience and operational efficiency of home deliveries and improves service for consumers, retailer carriers and communities.

We are starting in the UK, with London our first city, where our plans are for more than 10,000 locker locations.

What We Do

We’ve challenged the traditional way to deliver packages to urban and dense areas of Europe with an integrated approach to address the distinct needs of Consumers, Carriers, Retailers, City Planners & Consumers.


Retailers will be able to offer their customers our locker network as part of their Click & Collect network, which will offer their customers a single location to collect parcels from any carrier, or to return parcels via any carrier.


We’re an open network that any carrier can take advantage of regardless of size. Our commercial approach is to partner with any carrier, and our lockers can be used to deliver parcels to or collect returns or shipped parcels from.

City planners

Our lockers fit in with the Smart City movement and have been proven to reduce city emissions and truck rolls. Each locker delivery reduces CO2 emissions by 72% compared to a home delivery.


You will be able to select a parcel locker delivery location when you purchase online. There are no fees for you to pay or registration process.

Apartment & Office Buildings

  1. Apartment landlords are talking to us to help them find a solution to the challenge of parcels not being delivered to the correct owners, or just being left on the floor as they are too big for their locker facilities.
  2. Higher Education establishments want to provide safe and secure lockers for students, to store books, or project work.

Each user case enables us to provide a solution for our clients as well as providing locker storage space for the general public.

Apartment Lockers

Innovative apartment locker solutions by Lockars

Designed for the modern, professional, and forward-thinking property owner, Lockars is proud to unveil its cutting-edge apartment lockers featuring AI and Geolocation process technologies.

Our efficient, aesthetically-pleasing lockers are transforming the parcel locker services landscape, offering simplified 24/7 access, and heightened security, for residents and delivery personnel alike.

The challenge for apartment buildings

  • Building’s management frustrated by time taken processing the increasing number of parcels and various other deliveries.
  • Tenants unhappy when their parcels go astray or are delivered to the wrong apartments.

Our solution

Smart parcel lockers using AI to simplify the interaction process:

  • Effective, simplified processes for companies to deliver and pick up parcels, by utilising label imaging to identify the tenant.
  • Automated notifications using geolocation, and the Lockars app, to provide quick access for the tenants, to their parcels.

Services that improve and simplify the lives of both tenants and building managers

  • Parcel Collection – Available to all carriers
  • Parcel Return – Available to all carriers
  • Meal Collection
  • Grocery Collection
  • Key/Goods Exchange
  • Laundry Services
  • Prescription Delivery
  • App integration with services

  Automated, efficient and EASY!

Locker aesthetics to complement the building’s style and modular to fit size requirements

  • Color and finish can be adapted according to the building design, and aesthetics, so that it blends in seamlessly.
  • The number of doors installed is based upon number of tenants and parcel volume.
  • Easily adjusted, up or down, with a range of sizes to suit your building’s needs.
  • Lockers can be installed both indoors or outdoors.

Benefits to property managers

  • Increased amenities reflected in ROI and retention.
  • Reduction in service issues related to parcel deliveries.
  • Reduction in mail room staffing.
  • Improved concierge services with more time for tenants.
  • Increased security by limiting courier drivers’ zone of access.

Flexible commercial terms

  • Options for locker configuration and features individually priced.
  • Purchase versus lease options.
  • Monthly fees based on selected features and length of agreement.

UPS Customers

If you require any assistance regarding your UPS parcel, please email us at and include the UPS tracking number.

Host a Locker

Email us for more hosting enquiries.

Innovative and Convenient Parcel Services

Reduce last mile deliveries and increase footfall by providing a convenient delivery service when you host 24/7 Lockars lockers at your retail premises, mixed-use, residential, entertainment sites or town centres.

Drive footfall and additional spend

Lockers are a footfall magnet and help bring in new customers but also new types of customers, who can often go on to spend in retail spaces or with local businesses.

Impact the environment positively

Hosting a Lockars locker has a positive environmental impact, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 2/3 and decreasing congestion in the immediate area.

Deliver control and convenience

Lockars are a 24/7, contact-free way to collect or return shopping or send parcels. They give control back to shoppers and communities, saving them time and adding value through enhanced convenience.

Enhance your brand perception

The added convenience for your shoppers, residents, guests and communities of using 24/7 lockers to collect and return online shopping and to send parcels, without having to use the post office, will help to elevate their perception of your brand.

No landlord obligations makes it hassle-free

Hosting a Lockars locker is completely hassle-free. The customer journey is fully managed by our customer service team, and we cover all the costs – installation, and maintenance. Find out more about the specific requirements to host Lockars.

Lockars App

Our app is now available on App Store and Google Play.

Scan QR to Download Lockars App

Lockars App


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